What is “Ransomware”
Ransomware is a type of malware that infects your system, then locks or encrypts your most important data, allowing attackers to ask for a ransom. The attackers will offer to provide the decryption key only if you pay a certain amount of money within a short time. You can get infected with Ransomware even if you have virus software. The variants change constantly. Zero-Day/Ransomware protection should be a part of any company’s cybersecurity stack.

How do you get infected with a Virus or Ransomware?
Most Ransomware infections are email-borne. The level of sophistication is expanding constantly. If a hacker controls an email account they can simply “jump in” to a conversation about customer service, sales, and even present themselves as a family member. They will send a file attachment that appears relevant. EVERY file attachment should be scrutinized and considered dangerous, even if you know the person.
EDR (Endpoint Detection & Response)
All IT decisions must include focused consideration relating to the cybersecurity impact on a computer network. Ransomware and Zero-Day exploits can be difficult to detect. ANS works hard to follow best practices and implement our custom configuration strategies. EDR is a suite of tools that utilizes AI technologies to STOP/MITIGATE Ransomware and similar attacks. The software is designed to specifically target the most heinous of network intrusions and viral outbreaks. The ability to “rollback” a server with ransomware prior to the attack is a piece of mind for the SMB market. Call us for a free implementation evaluation. Server protection and strategic locations throughout critical infrastructure should be considered. ANS will work with you to come up with a plan for your company. Imagine a devastating Ransomware attack that cripples your company. How much does this cost per day? Per hour? This software is surprisingly affordable.
Prevention & Mitigation of Ransomware
Let ANS Networking evaluate your current infrastructure and work with you to understand the state of your cybersecurity position. We incorporate a full network audit during our onboarding process. We are also available for questions at any time. Even if you are a small company or a “single person” shop, we never charge to have a conversation about network security. You might be surprised at how affordable it can be to add some enterprise-level tools to your network and prevent an attack.
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Get A Free Ransomware & Virus Protection Audit
ANS experts will work with your company to provide a customized ransomware and virus protection plan today.
Ransomware Protection Testimonials from NH, MA and ME Businesses
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